I am such a proud aunt I couldn’t wait to get baby Emmi (Emerson) in front of my camera again! If you didn’t see our Fresh 48 session you can check it out here. She was still such a tiny sweet little peanut!! I’m not sure what it is about my nephew and nieces but they always want to make me work for their sessions haha. Maybe its because I’m their aunt and they look at me in a “motherly” type figure so they means I’m not anyone important to listen to lol. Baby Emmi had a really good stretch of sleep the beginning of her session but my sister in law Connie did warn me she poops a lot and BOY did she!! She pooped right in the beginning but still shorta stayed asleep so I just rolled with it. I think she pooped and peed a couple more few times throughout the session. But its totally expected so its really no biggie to me. After her sleepy period little Emmi was too interested in what we were doing to go back to sleep. We did some swaddled shots and she did take a quick little snooze but it was brief. Overall, we did get some adorable shots of her that I know mom and dad will cherish for a very long time. But as a photographer, when you are photographing your own family something inside of you wants every little single detail to be perfect. Not like that isn’t the case with my regular clients but its just something about it being your close family makes it a little more personal. I had some adorable set ups planned with Emmi that we didn’t get to and I was totally determined to get it but we would have been shooting all day if that was the case. Sometimes I have to remind my self that babies are babies and no matter how much you plan and prepare they always have a different agenda and thats ok. They are human, and literally haven’t even been on this earth for more than 2 weeks! They have no idea what to think of this process or what is going on around them, so when things don’t happen exactly like you planned you have to just roll with it! Snuggle them, love them and smother them with kisses cause in the bigger scheme of things they are only this little for so long so cherish it!
Emmi’s nursery is mint and color so I loved adding this colors into her session 🙂
Emmi was also a St. Pattis day baby!! My family isn’t at all Irish but we thought we would dress her up in some green to remember she was born on this special day!
Being born so close to Easter of course we had to dress her up like a sweet little bunny!!
Such a proud big sister Haiden!!
Colton doesn’t know it quite yet but I know he is going to grow up to be a great big brother and protect his big and little sisters!!