Family Photographer in Phoenix | The Lee’s in the Pines
Just by looking at these images you know we aren’t in Phoenix anymore. It’s so easy as a family photographer in Phoenix to get bored and burnt out on the same locations over and over when it comes to family photography. I have always loved to travel and shoot at different locations but having young children makes it hard. The sister in law Connie and brother in law Garrett make the cutest kids!! My nieces and nephew Haiden, Colton and Emmi are the sweetest and there auntie loves them to pieces!!
We were traveling up north to Lake Powell for Connie’s brothers wedding and since we always pass through Flagstaff it was my bright idea to stop on the way and do their family photos in the pines. I had a beautiful location picked out that a fellow photographer told me about called Locket Meadow. I had planned all along to go there for their session. As we are following Google Maps we hit some pretty rough roads, like it was a crazy Indiana Jones ride to say the least! We are in own SUV and poor Connie and them are trekking it in a mini van up some pretty bumpy and nasty roads. We were all pretty worried for our lives haha. Needless to say we were running out of time, daylight and 4 wheel drive so we came to a spot with a pretty clearing and I decided just to stop here for their session and I am so glad we did.
I loved how the trees and scenery photographed with them and their outfits! We forgot how chilly it can get up there so half the time the kids were shivering! It’s always super entertaining to say the least with photographing your own family, but that’s what makes these moments and memories even sweeter!